• Posted by Nicole R.
I'm all about designing things that are cute and quick to knit, and I think this cowl fits the bill. The simple cable pattern reminds me of fish tails, and since I didn't want to call this cowl "Fish Tails" (Ew!), I decided to call it "Ocean".
I'm all about designing things that are cute and quick to knit, and I think this cowl fits the bill. The simple cable pattern reminds me of fish tails, and since I didn't want to call this cowl "Fish Tails" (Ew!), I decided to call it "Ocean".
Cast on 132 stitches. Round 1: (K6, P6) 11 times, making sure to join for knitting in the round. Repeat Round 1 six more times. Cable Cross Round: (Slip first three stitches on cable needle and hold to back, K3, K3 stitches from cable needle, P6) to end of round. Next Round: (P6, K6) 11 times. Repeat previous round six more times. Cable Cross Round: (P6, Slip first three stitches on cable needle and hold to back, K3, K3 stitches from cable needle) to end of round. Repeat first eight rounds once. Bind off in purl.