Cut Out + Keep

Oatmeal Surprise

Really yummy oatmeal cake and muffins :) • Posted by Miss J!

I tried to make some oatmeal cookies and i had lots of dought remaining so i didn't want to bake anymore cookies :/ that's why i took a few muffins molds to make some oatmeal muffins, but i still had too much dough and i was exhausted :( so i took a pan and put all the remaining doung in it. The results were: delicious oatmeal cake and muffins. YUmmm yummm yum! Comments are more than welcome! :)

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2 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 100 0742 Medium 100 0743 Medium 100 0730 Medium 100 0744 Medium 100 0732 Medium 100 0735 Medium 100 0738


I tried to make some oatmeal cookies and i had lots of dought remaining so i didn't want to bake anymore cookies :/ that's why i took a few muffins molds to make some oatmeal muffins, but i still had too much dough and i was exhausted :( so i took a pan and put all the remaining doung in it. The results were: delicious oatmeal cake and muffins. YUmmm yummm yum! Comments are more than welcome! :)
