• Posted by V-I-O-L-E-T Z.
Tomorrow is my vacation! I can't believe it is finally here and since I'll be gone for a week, I've decided to leave you with the sweet taste in your mouth. This is our family favorite snack.
Tomorrow is my vacation! I can't believe it is finally here and since I'll be gone for a week, I've decided to leave you with the sweet taste in your mouth. This is our family favorite snack.
Toast all the O's in several bunches one at a time.
Make sure they are getting nice golden color
Collect all your toasted O's in one deep big bowl
When all O's are toasted start working on caramel. In the same pan mix together honey and sugar and start heating it up over medium heat.
When the mixture will start getting clear and right before it will boil, add half of the sesame seeds and stir.
When it starts to boil - it is ready
Pour boiling mixture over your toasted O's. Now you need to start mixing, don't be afraid to break the little O's, make sure you'll mix them well and keep in mind your caramel will be hardening, so move fast! During this part you add the remaining sesame seeds .
Now, let put them in forms. I use cups from apple sauce - they are perfect size (in case you worry about portion control). Spray each cup with Canola oil - it will help you to get your snacks out of cup when it's ready
Here it is a nice bunch ready to go the the fridge fro overnight cold therapy
You may add some sticks and will make it even more fun!
That's how it looks on the next morning. Sesame seeds add a very interesting hint of flavor making it a bit exotic
We like it! I hope you do too! I will be back in a week with lots of new projects.