• Posted by Kin Dragon
I was looking for stuff to put on my mini scrapbook Christmas tree, and I saw a nutcracker ballet set. I reminded me of the first version of the Nutcracker ballet I ever saw, it was a movie called Barbie in the Nutcracker. I remember as a little girl, I got a ken doll that was based off the movie for one Christmas, it had the nutcracker head and everything. But I mainly remember sleeping on the couch by the fireplace with that doll in my arms, hoping the same thing that happened in the movie would happen to me, and if not I would have gotten to see Santa Claus, (this was back before I realized he's a stocker). Any way, neither of those things happened, but I still had a great Christmas. And as I was looking back, I regained a happiness I lost long ago. I thought of the man of my dreams, and then I wanted a nutcracker that looked like him ( I know, a bit creepy, but since when has love been normal.) So I made my own Nutcracker, true he looks a little weird, but I love him anyway, prince or not. And isn't that what love is..
I was looking for stuff to put on my mini scrapbook Christmas tree, and I saw a nutcracker ballet set. I reminded me of the first version of the Nutcracker ballet I ever saw, it was a movie called Barbie in the Nutcracker. I remember as a little girl, I got a ken doll that was based off the movie for one Christmas, it had the nutcracker head and everything. But I mainly remember sleeping on the couch by the fireplace with that doll in my arms, hoping the same thing that happened in the movie would happen to me, and if not I would have gotten to see Santa Claus, (this was back before I realized he's a stocker). Any way, neither of those things happened, but I still had a great Christmas. And as I was looking back, I regained a happiness I lost long ago. I thought of the man of my dreams, and then I wanted a nutcracker that looked like him ( I know, a bit creepy, but since when has love been normal.) So I made my own Nutcracker, true he looks a little weird, but I love him anyway, prince or not. And isn't that what love is..
What I did was draw out an idea of how I wanted my nutcracker to look. I basically took an old drawing and a new one and morphed it together when I made my Nutcraker
You will need to take 3 Popsicle sticks and cut one in to thirds. If you are using glue you'll need that middle piece(see link), but if you use making tape like I did, then you can Discard the middle piece or make it a hat for your nutcracker
Put them together like this, I used making tape to keep them together.
Optional: This is my finished Nutcracker, but Before you paint it, if you want to add some hair, Attach to the back of the head with hot glue then cover the glue spot with masking tape, this is great for durable hair.
Next paint, it helps if you get a pen with no ink to dip into the paint. Its great for tiny details.
And your Nutcracker is done! Do what ever you want with it.