Cut Out + Keep

Ninja Knife

Origami Ninja Knife,No Effort • Posted by Izzy and Emma's Channel xxx

This Ninja Knife is gr8 for decorating your art books or to just play with!!

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2013 09 22 11.08.03 Medium 2013 09 22 11.07.40


This Ninja Knife is gr8 for decorating your art books or to just play with!!


  1. Small 2013 09 22 10.58.14

    cut the paper in half the paper should be a 15 by 15cm square

  2. Small 2013 09 22 10.59.01

    fold one of the papers in 1/2

  3. Small 2013 09 22 10.59.24

    and in 1/2 again

  4. Small 2013 09 22 11.00.10

    fold one side of the paper into a triangle

  5. Small 2013 09 22 11.00.31

    do the same on the other side but on the opposite direction

  6. Small 2013 09 22 11.01.01

    now fold the triangle into a bigger triangle but only fold up to the middle line

  7. Small 2013 09 22 11.01.28

    do the same to the other side again in the opposite direction

  8. Small 2013 09 22 11.02.49

    copy the steps 2 and 3 for the other piece of paper, this time the triangles should look like this picture

  9. Small 2013 09 22 11.03.33

    turn over the paper and do step 7 again

  10. Small 2013 09 22 11.04.03

    place the pieces of paper on top of each other like this

  11. Small 2013 09 22 11.04.39

    tuck the yellow triangle in between the slots of the blue paper

  12. Small 2013 09 22 11.05.01

    do the same on the other side

  13. Small 2013 09 22 11.07.19

    now turn the paper over and do the same for the blue piece of paper

  14. Small 2013 09 22 11.07.40

    turn over the paper once more and see your ninja knife