Newspaper Nails :)
How to make your nails readable ;)
Posted by my-best-friend-is-a-spaceship
This is awesome. Seriousley.
You Will Need (5 things)
- Nail Polish
- Clear Nail Polish
- Newspaper
- Glass
- Alcohol
Steps (6 steps, 20 minutes)
Polish your nails, one at the time, a light colour if it's possible.
Right after your nail is dry (important! Other wise your text will not stick on the nail!) you put it in a little glass of alchohol (I used vodka 40% - I think the procent should be higher, but I don't know :)) - make sure all of your nail is covered.
Then you put on a strap of newspaper, and it's really imortant to make sure that all of the nail is covered in text. DO NOT MOVE IT! Other wise you cannot read the text.
Hold the newspaper on your nail for 30 sec., pull it off slowly.
Put on some clear nailpolish (in danish it is called "lak" - I don't know what it's called in english).
Voila! Newspaper nails! My nails now says something about Lars von Trier at Cannes Festival. I think it is really cool, it's quite easy, and I am not good at doing nails - like, at all :D Go ahead and try, if it does not work, don't put on the clear polish but just rub the ink of and try again. Enjoy!