Cut Out + Keep

Never Tie Your Shoes Again!

or at least make them easier to put on • Posted by Asherah Arts (formerly Lee Rose)

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium img 20140213 160347



  1. Small img 20140213 160542

    First you need to get your zipper and shoelace together by cutting a small hole in the bottom of each side of the zipper and pushing the shoelace through. make sure you have equal amounts of lacing on both sides of the zipper. I'm sure grommets would work well for this but aren't necessary.

  2. Small img 20140213 160801

    run your laces/zipper combo through the bottom hole on your shoes. Once everything is matched up and appears to be laying correctly, use the next hole in your shoes to determine where to cut the next hole in the zipper. Run the laces through the zipper, then shoe again.

  3. Small img 20140220 161050

    Repeat step 2 all the way up the shoe and zipper. Then repeat all steps for the other shoe. Then marvel at how much easier it is to put your shoes on. Then take a picture of your feet. (this part is harder than it looks)