Cut Out + Keep

Netted Bow

Cute bow from fabric and recycled netting! • Posted by Emily M.

I like how the netting adds a fascinator-esque touch ot the bow. For the netting I used the net that Babybels come in. But you could any sort of netting really.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 140249 1310069058 Medium 135243 1310069003


I like how the netting adds a fascinator-esque touch ot the bow. For the netting I used the net that Babybels come in. But you could any sort of netting really.


  1. Small 133543 1310049763

    Gather your materials (you can't see the netting here) I made the bow earler. Plug in your hot glue gun to heat up.

  2. Small 134158 1310069125

    Place the netting out so the longest side is on the bottom (it should be in a rectangle). Fold the netting in half so it is now half as long. Glue down a dot in the middle and wait to cool. Repeat one more time. (so now the net should be at 1/4 the length)

  3. Small 133831 1310074666

    Now pinch the netting in the middle and glue again. Wait to cool.

  4. Small untitled 1310074727

    To make the bow: a)Think about how big you want your bow. Cut out from the fabric a rectangle the height you want but twice as long. (look at the picture as an example)

  5. Small untitled2 1310073392

    b) fold the fabric inwards so the two ends are now meeting at the middle. Sew together so you now have a circle of fabric (with the right side out) (once again, use the picture).

  6. Small untitled3 1310075221

    c) Gather your circle so it looks like a bow with no 'knot'. Cut a rectangular piece of fabric that will fit around the part of the bow for the knot. Making sure the seams are on the same side, sew the small rectange around the bow. And your bow is finished!

  7. Small 134753 1310074145

    Next, put a small amount of glue on the back of the bow. Attatch the bow over the glue on the net.

  8. Small 135021 1310074244

    Put glue on your clip/bobby pin and stick to the back side of the netting. Let cool.

  9. Small 140249 1310074351

    Optional: you can add sequins, glitter, buttons, etc. to decorate your bow, or you can leave it plain, if you wish.

  10. If you find you netting isn't "fluffy enough", take a pair of sissors and cut through some of the net so it isn't as clumped together.