Cut Out + Keep

Neoprene Tablet Sleeve

Learn to Make a Custom Neoprene Tablet Sleeve • Posted by Professor Pincushion

Don't let your tablet or laptop get knocked about and scratched. Create a custom sleeve made of neoprene.

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Don't let your tablet or laptop get knocked about and scratched. Create a custom sleeve made of neoprene.


  1. Electronics, like phones, tablets and laptops are getting sleeker but they can still be fairly fragile and tend to get knocked up quite a bit. Creating a simple sleeve out of neoprene keeps them safe and scratch free. In my example, I demonstrate how to make this cute sleeve for a tablet. If you don’t have a tablet, don’t worry, as I also give steps so you can recreate a sleeve for a phone or laptop. You can keep it simple with just neoprene or add a contrast fabric like I did.