Needle Felted Loop Bracelet Tutorial
Create a bold and funky fashion statement with this needle felted bracelet. Make in lots of colors to compliment your wardrobe!
jacqueline.kubik.5 favorited Needle Felted Loop Bracelet 12 Feb 04:47
Step 4
Cross contrasting colors diagonally over first two layers of fibers. Remember, even though the fibers may be laying thick now, the needle felting process is going to significantly compact all the layers together. Don't be afraid to go thick. You'll want to continue to layer fibers on this side until they are between an inch and an inch and a half high.
Step 5
Begin fusing the wool fibers together by punching into the layers with a felting needle. Felting needles are special because they have one-way barbs along the tip that push fibers together, yet don't pull them apart. This compacts the fibers, and allows them to not only physically intertwine, but to lock the cuticle of the wool hairs together. For these larger-sized steps, I prefer the use of a multi-needle tool.
Step 9
Pull and needle contrasting colors into each other to combine and add visual appeal. This step needs to be completed before fibers have been fully combined together to keep the surface area smooth. When you reach your desired marble, needle felt over the top to fully secure colors into place, flipping often to lock in from both sides.
Step 12
This next step has a few ways to accomplish it, so I'm going to tell you my favorite way. We're looking to seal our newly cut raw edge, and I like to accomplish this by using my coarse needle to aggressively needle the end. This pushes a good amount of fibers through to the other side. Insert the point of the needle close to the cut edge, and pull fibers out until the end is slightly whispy. Using a fine point needle, felt these whispy edges back over the cut end. This smoothes and seals the cut end.
Step 14
Twist very thin sections of roving in a contrasting color, and using a small needle, felt into a design. Swirls, zig zags, and polka dots are just some examples of super simple, yet visually pleasing designs. Feel free to experiment! Needle felt with the multi-needle tool over the whole design a few times to assure the design is securely attached.
Step 16
Twist remaining piece from cut tail around one end of the bracelet. I tend to use this opportunity to hide my less-attractive side. Using a coarse needle, thoroughly attach the loop to the band of the bracelet. Finish by locking in any whispy pieces with a fine needle.
Insert free end through loop. Place over hand and pull tight to secure onto wrist. The nature of the felt creates enough, shall we say, clingy-ness to keep the bracelet on.
This bracelet also takes kindly to beading, embroidery, and/or a wet-felting finish to further smooth the surface
I have been wanting to learn felting for a while now, so this is great help! thanks!