• Posted by campaspe
want a new necklace ? Make it yourself
want a new necklace ? Make it yourself
To make the elements of this necklace, I completely open a carton of milk until I get a flat sheet, in which I cut 4x4cm squares, From these, I then in each corner 1x1cm squares to get pieces that have the shape of figure 1.
I fold the corners along the lines indicated to obtain the folding of Fig2.
I then fold one after the other the sides along the dotted lines (Fig 3, Fig 4, Fig 5, Fig 6),I insert the last fold under the first, to obtain one of the squares which will constitute the necklace. In order to maintain the folding, I glue a paper flower cut out with a hole punch on the center.
I attach the wire to one of the parts of the clasp with a crimp bead, then I thread 32 red beads, then the nine square beads by inserting a red bead between two square beads. I finish by threading 32 red beads again, followed by a crimp bead. I finally fix the second part of the clasp then with a new crimp bead