Necklace Cowl Neck Piece

Confusing title ftw!

Posted by Courtney Couture


So basically this is a cowl neck warmer thing with a necklace attached...I was just sitting around after the festivities of the weekend ended and thought hey! look! fabric AND a sewing machine!

Click on the pictures for a full-size view.

And this is what I came up with.

Tell me what ya think of it! :D


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 Necklace
  • White Fabric
  • Sewing Needle
  • Sewing Thread

Steps (5 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    So first you have to cut out your fabric - I really didn't use a pattern for this, but I think it was about 28 inches wide by maybe thirty something inches long?

    Whatever you think would work, measure your head and just go from there - drapey cowl necks are definitely NOT an exact science.

  2. 2

    Hem it up! I'm assuming you don't need a poorly drawn MS Paint picture for this, haha.

  3. 3

    Now! You need to sew up the side, and try it on over your head to make sure it fits.

    Baste (sp?) first, then sew with a normal stitch just in case you need to add snaps or what have you.

  4. 4

    Get a necklace with a chain large enough to fit a needle through. Sew it on the bottom like this.

    Seal the knots on the other side with clear nail polish.

  5. 5

    And you're done!

    I hope you liked it! :)