@ KitKat89, Squee! & others having an issue with paper folding and cutting: I am currently working on making a small video tutorial for this which I will be posting on my youtube page. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your questions and concerns, I work and go to school full time so it's been hard lately to find time for the internet and crafting in general. I just wanted you all to know that I have heard your complaints and help is on the way!
@ pink vampire ninja p. : Sorry, dear, but that is in fact Drew Barrymore. She's the spokes model for the Lash Blast Mascaras and their new smokey eyeshadows, and the mascara is what this ad was for. As far as I can remember, Mischa was never a CoverGirl.
I totally ♥ this project..But..I am having a hard time following the folding part..I have tried this like 8-10x's but still not getting the 5 shape star..My cut outs are showing a 6-9 point star..I really wish that the pictures were facing right side up so i can see it without having to look at this from the side to check my paper with yours..C A N U H E L P On some tips or redo picture/instructions ??? Thanx's a Ton KitKat89
My friend showed me how to do something like this with little hello kitty strips. I'm 16 and couldn't figure out a little kids toy.aha! I love them though!
I'm having an issue when I cut it out, I end up with two matching pieces with a little square bit between them instead of a whole star.. is there something I'm doing wrong? Or am I just not getting how to go from there?
A couple clarifications would make this easier to understand. Particularly that "bottom" means the short edge (with one side being the fold and the other side the paper edges). If someone tries the folding otherwise, then they get the weird cutout.
8" by 11", or regular computer paper, is what I've been using.
Are there any parts in particular where you're having trouble?
Because I went back through my instructions and I can't figure out what's happening when you're going through it that would make what you described happen. :/
ive tried this and tried this and tried this and i just keep getting a big paper with a square-ish hole in it somewhere. How big does this paper have to be? Cause im using magazine pictures and theres too much paper left, this is fristrating......
I've actually tried to do that but the addition of beads requires a much heavier line than normal string. If you're thinking of going that route, try using 12lb or better fishing line so the beads don't put stress on things. C:
@ pink vampire ninja p. : Sorry, dear, but that is in fact Drew Barrymore. She's the spokes model for the Lash Blast Mascaras and their new smokey eyeshadows, and the mascara is what this ad was for. As far as I can remember, Mischa was never a CoverGirl.
(it is not drew barrymoe whoever said that)
she is awesome and that pic looks great
Are there any parts in particular where you're having trouble?
Because I went back through my instructions and I can't figure out what's happening when you're going through it that would make what you described happen. :/