Name Flag For A Little Sweet Boy


Posted by Mara


To celabrate the birth of the sweetest little babyboy...


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Fabric
  • Vilt

Steps (4 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    First of all, I'm dutch, so my english will be not perfect...

    Find fabric you love and cut it into pieces, for the size I used A5 paper as an guideline, I had 40 pieces, cut out of 3 different pieces of fabric

  2. 2

    Every time take 2 pieces and sew inside out,turn them right side out again. I left the top open, later on you can cover it when you sew the ribbon on.

  3. 3

    When al the pieces are done, take some ribbon and I used an iron to fould halfway, that way its easy to fit the flags in between the ribbon.I left an opening of 4 cm between each flag. Put all the flags in place and then sew the flags and ribbon all in one

  4. 4

    Cut out the letters in vilt and Iused an iron to stick them on with sticky iron stuff (??)