Cut Out + Keep

Nail Polish Organizer...

Shoe box, nail polish..Valentine's gift...original organizer.... • Posted by PinKween

Ok, this project is pretty easy indeed, you just need to allow yourself to imagine how you like to have your nail polish organizer decorated, if you like you can decorate larger box, the only rule is to let the polishes to stand...that's it... You paint the box, which can be reached as "faux paux" wood and you stick on the paper design you like...(or your girlfriend..) ;))))

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 3702


Ok, this project is pretty easy indeed, you just need to allow yourself to imagine how you like to have your nail polish organizer decorated, if you like you can decorate larger box, the only rule is to let the polishes to stand...that's it... You paint the box, which can be reached as "faux paux" wood and you stick on the paper design you like...(or your girlfriend..) ;))))


  1. You choose a box of your choice...small, large....

  2. Then you paint it your favourite colour...

  3. Let dry and think of a "design template" you wanna stick on...

  4. In my case recycling the paper remains... and thinking in a very abstract way...

  5. Stick it all on with glue you wish..

  6. If you want, varnish with a clear nailpolish or some crafter's varnish.... Happy Valentine's!!!!