Nail Polish Holder

for all the nail polish-addicts

Posted by little miss blackbird


i'll admit i'm a Nail polish addict, only until now i always had to stuff them in a box. but this had a few problems: it's really bad for your polishes, it's so hard to find what you want and although my box was pretty big it was to small and i couldn't close it anymore. so i went on my dear old youtube and i did some research. i found that i liked stands a lot so i made a plan....


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Duck Tape
  • a Knife
  • a Plan
  • a lot of Styrofoam
  • a Marker
  • your Nail Polish
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Magazine(s)

Steps (14 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    thirst take al of your nail polishes and sort them. you can sort them by color, size or brand.
    this is a good moment to test them and throw the bad ones out.

  2. 2

    now you have a good vision of your collection start making rows. if you want to put your nail polish on a special place it's a good idea to measure that up thirst and than make your rows.

  3. 3

    then it's time to take pencil, paper an a tape measure.
    thirst measure the length of your rows. then count your rows.

  4. 4

    now try making a sketch of your pyramid:
    for the side:
    - start with a back
    - than al the layers
    - a good width for your layers is 4 cm.

    i can't really help you with your sketch because your collection different.


  5. 5

    then it' time to find your self enough styrofoam. mine had a width of 1,5 cm. look at your width and change your plan if it's needed.

  6. 6

    i'm sorry i don't have pictures of this part but i'll try to explain.
    start by cutting all of your layers.

  7. 7

    start by glueing the layers together using your hot glue gun.

  8. 8

    when al your layers are glued together. cut a back. that is 5 cm higher then your pyramid. and glue that to the back.

  9. 9

    now cover everything with duck tape!

  10. 10

    time to decorate!
    here are some options:

    - painting it!

  11. 11

    - covering it with magazine cut-outs, like a collage
    (this is what i did)

  12. 12

    - use wallpaper to cover it up

  13. 13

    what ever you do it will look totally BOM. the final thing to do is place al your nail polish on there.

  14. 14

    last step: make a picture of your creation and put it as a version of this project. so i can see what you did to yours!