My Version Of Classic Tank Girl Shirt

My Version of the T-Shirt with Tank Girl logo

Posted by Lola


based on:
never mind my moustash xD


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Cutting Knife
  • Cardboard or thick paper
  • one or two cups of Water
  • red and blue Fabric Paint
  • Paint Brush

Steps (7 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    you will need: cardboard or hard paper, compasses, cutting mat, cutting knife, witte tshirt, one or two cups of water, one or two painting brushes, red and blue fabric paint

  2. 2

    take you cardboard or thick paper and draw three (or maybe four) cirkels
    mine were sized: 5cm 8cm and 12cm
    then cut them out carefully,
    you want your cirkels to look like cirkels
    don't throw anything away

  3. 3

    this is what you'll have left and you will need it for painting

  4. 4

    take your white t-shirt, put a thick paper of piece of cardboard in between it, i used my cutting mat, and then fold the adges to the back
    put your stencils on the tshirt
    you can check if they are on the right place with the leftovers

  5. 5

    then start painting!
    but be careful that you don't move your stencils,..
    make sure to refresh you water and clean you cup and brush carefully (or use another cup of water and another brush) before you start with the second colour because you don't want to end up with a purple t-shirt.
    + watch out for stains

  6. 6

    when you are finished painting leave it drying, the instructions on my paint said to leave it for two hours, this depends on what paint you use
    once it is dry wash it the warmest you can(always wash and iron inside out)
    when you are finished the paint can be a bit lighter.
    If you want to you can paint it over again to make the color stronger/brighter
    as you like, i just left mine the way it was

  7. 7

    next: wear you tankgirl-tee with pride!