Cut Out + Keep

My Swaps Travels Map

To visually keep track of my many swaps <3 • Posted by Princess Pam-attitude

Inspired by EssexDebs post about where her creations for swaps had traveled! This map visually shows all the different places I have had Swap Partners from XD I printed out an outline of a world map, colored it in, and used a ruler to draw a line from me to each of my partners. If I have swapped with the same person, or to the same area I added a "X" to the line. I think I will upgrade my Map soon, lol. It's filling up fast. The next one I hope to have would be a large poster size map, that I can use push pins to mark each partner!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium 2011 06 04 00.19.34 1307183453


Inspired by EssexDebs post about where her creations for swaps had traveled! This map visually shows all the different places I have had Swap Partners from XD I printed out an outline of a world map, colored it in, and used a ruler to draw a line from me to each of my partners. If I have swapped with the same person, or to the same area I added a "X" to the line. I think I will upgrade my Map soon, lol. It's filling up fast. The next one I hope to have would be a large poster size map, that I can use push pins to mark each partner!
