Cut Out + Keep

My Mouse Cage

a big mouse cage made of an Ikea Expedit • Posted by Anni

Here you can see my mices cage. Actually there a 4 girls living in it but the cage would have enough space for 13! I created it because I want to give them an adequate animal housing. I started with an 4x2 Expedit from Ikea, changed the height of some shelfes, so that the mice can run from stage to stage, painted it with clear coat, drilled a lot of holes an so on. I covered the holes with rows of anchors. It took a long time to let the anchors dry from gluing. After that they also had to be painted. Furthermore I had to install a lot of srews and hooks to fix all the ladders, ramps, bridges and hanging clusters. On side of the cage has doors with grid in it which are closed by magnets, the other side is blinded by a plastic film. In case I would have known earlier how much work, stress and dirt it will be and how much money it costs, I had never started this project. But now I love it and I guess Emma, Molli, Pauline and Charlotte enjoy all the space and possibilities. Actually I don´t know how long it took exactly. With all time of waiting because of drying glue and coat and working, it took a few weeks. Some of the works can´t be made alone. Therefore you need a helping hand. That is another reason why it took so long. A lot of the inventory (like die Mice Castle, the tunnel, the ramps and leddars, hanging cluster, coconut clusters and bottle holders)is also selfmade. The advantage is the price and the knowledge of the ingridients, the disadvantage is the amount of work...I also bought some inventory from Ikea, which isn´t Mouse Stuff generally, like the white vase, a woodent holder for cutlery and the big woodent box in the basement. I hope you enjoy watching it.

You will need

Project Budget


100 h 00


Pretty Tough
Medium pict3294 Medium pict3293 Medium pict3295 Medium pict3297 Medium pict3320 Medium pict3317 Medium paulines 4 buchstaben...asch


Here you can see my mices cage. Actually there a 4 girls living in it but the cage would have enough space for 13! I created it because I want to give them an adequate animal housing. I started with an 4x2 Expedit from Ikea, changed the height of some shelfes, so that the mice can run from stage to stage, painted it with clear coat, drilled a lot of holes an so on. I covered the holes with rows of anchors. It took a long time to let the anchors dry from gluing. After that they also had to be painted. Furthermore I had to install a lot of srews and hooks to fix all the ladders, ramps, bridges and hanging clusters. On side of the cage has doors with grid in it which are closed by magnets, the other side is blinded by a plastic film. In case I would have known earlier how much work, stress and dirt it will be and how much money it costs, I had never started this project. But now I love it and I guess Emma, Molli, Pauline and Charlotte enjoy all the space and possibilities. Actually I don´t know how long it took exactly. With all time of waiting because of drying glue and coat and working, it took a few weeks. Some of the works can´t be made alone. Therefore you need a helping hand. That is another reason why it took so long. A lot of the inventory (like die Mice Castle, the tunnel, the ramps and leddars, hanging cluster, coconut clusters and bottle holders)is also selfmade. The advantage is the price and the knowledge of the ingridients, the disadvantage is the amount of work...I also bought some inventory from Ikea, which isn´t Mouse Stuff generally, like the white vase, a woodent holder for cutlery and the big woodent box in the basement. I hope you enjoy watching it.
