My Chemical Romance New Album Gerard Way Mask

Look Alive Sunshine...

Posted by RhiannaCopaCabana



You Will Need (4 things)

  • Yellow masquerade Face Mask
  • Blue Glitter
  • Craft Glue
  • Paint

Steps (3 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Take a silk half masquerade mask. Either get one that is already Yellow, if not just paint one. Then draw 4 triangular shapes around the eyes and paint with acrylic. or if your lazy. Sharpie.

  2. 2

    Next I took 3 round plain circles or card and painted with strong glue and shook lots of glitter on them. Leave to dry then shake off excess.

  3. 3

    Position the circles on your mask and affix with a strong glue. Then
    To run the company,
    To fucking Kennedy,
    I think we'd rather be,
    Burning your information. Couldn't resist. Killjoys. Make some Noise!
    Imma wear this to when I see them in Manchester on October 24th ;-)