Cut Out + Keep

Sprinkles Mug Cake

Sprinkles Mug Cake • Posted by Super Madcow

This is a quick cake made in a mug & then cooked in the microwave. It is very hot when done. It will serve one pretty big portion.

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0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium 114962 2f2016 09 20 133410 wp 20160708 010


This is a quick cake made in a mug & then cooked in the microwave. It is very hot when done. It will serve one pretty big portion.


  1. Small 114962 2f2016 09 20 132515 wp 20160708 001

    Melt the butter.

  2. Small 114962 2f2016 09 20 132543 wp 20160708 002

    Add the egg. Stir to combine.

  3. Small 114962 2f2016 09 20 132824 wp 20160708 004

    Add the vanilla. Stir through.

  4. Small 114962 2f2016 09 20 132905 wp 20160708 005

    Add the sugar. Stir to combine.

  5. Small 114962 2f2016 09 20 132926 wp 20160708 006

    Add the flour. Stir to combine.

  6. Small 114962 2f2016 09 20 132953 wp 20160708 007

    Add the sprinkles. Stir through.

  7. Small 114962 2f2016 09 20 133311 wp 20160708 009

    Place in microwave. Cook for approx 50-70 seconds.

  8. Small 114962 2f2016 09 20 133351 wp 20160708 010

    Top with icing & sprinkles. Serve warm.