MP3 Cozy/carriers
Since I got my daughter an MP3 with video player this year for Christmas, I came up with these little guys. The tie dyed blue one is hers (her fav color) also with a couple of cross-wise slits cut on the bottom left (you can't see it in the pic) for the headphone wires.
Made from colored felt with decor added, the string attached is just one chain of crocheted yarn at a random length. I would think it would be easier to carry and accessible to wear it around your neck. I wanted to add some little plastic snaps but couldn't find any, so I used little circle shaped pieces of velcro with adhesive, it'll do.
I made one and then made some more. The one with the skull and hearts were done in seed beads, then I went back to the tie dyed ones and added some embellishments. The last one is for my brother-in-law (X-mas present) who has an MP3 player like mine.
Now I'm gonna make some big enough for my cell.
Oh, btw, she doesn't know I made it for her therefore she doesn't know about her gift or this site. So...no worries.
Miss_Fit added Mp3 Cozy to Purses, Bags, and Wallets 29 Mar 15:56
Kelly D. favorited Mp3 Cozy 28 Oct 16:27
Creativemind entered her project Mp3 Cozy to Sublime Stitching Contest 14 May 22:47
Creativemind posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
we need a how to!