Cut Out + Keep

Moustache Hair Clip (Brooch Accesory)

Moustache, Hair Clip, Brooch, Accesory, Mostacho, Foamy, Goma Eva, kawaii • Posted by Lys C.

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0 h 10


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  1. Small blog1

    You'll need a black piece of foamy (or the colour you'd want to use for the project), scissors, a pencil (or a piece of chalk), glue and a hair clip. -- Necesitarás un trozo negro de goma eva (o el color que quieras usar para el proyecto), tijeras, un lápiz (o un trozo de tiza), pegamento y un clip para el pelo.

  2. Small blog2

    Draw the moustache on the foamy (i've drawn it with chalk). -- Dibuja el mostacho en la goma eva (yo lo he dibujado con tiza).

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    Cut the piece. -- Corta la pieza.

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    Add some glue to the hair clip, and place the moustache over it, doing some preassure. -- Añade algo de pegamento al clip, pon encima el mostacho, y haz un poco de presión.

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    Let it dry, and that's it!! Now you have a cool hair moustache! :D. -- Déjalo secar, ¡y ya está! Tienes tu mostacho guay para el pelo :D.