Cut Out + Keep

Mouse Cat Toy.

Cats just love playing cat and mouse. :) • Posted by SophieSaurus!

I made this for my cat this year. I gave it to her today, christmas eve but she seemed to like the bell on the end of the mouses tail =D A few pictures of Izzy playing with him whilst looking really sleepy, she did play with it for quite a while!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 40


Pretty Easy
Medium hpim4753 1324758013 Medium hpim4747 1324758039 Medium hpim4746 1324758073


I made this for my cat this year. I gave it to her today, christmas eve but she seemed to like the bell on the end of the mouses tail =D A few pictures of Izzy playing with him whilst looking really sleepy, she did play with it for quite a while!


  1. First you need to gather your stuff and make the outline of you mouse. I made my own templates i just folded a little peice of paper in half and drew a wonky semi-circle for the body and little circles with the bottom cut straight for the ears.

  2. Fold your mouse in half to decorate him it's probably easier, you should sew his ears onto him now, you can put eyes on him if you want but i didnt i just made him a blind mouse because my cat gets violent and throws her toys around :)

  3. Sew the body together from side to side but leave a little hole so you can stuff it. I used blacket stitch for this because it looked neatest.

  4. STUFF YOUR MOUSE!!!!! you can make him as fat as you want. I made mine quite fat because i think it looks cute. Once stuffed sew the rest of him up. :)

  5. Take your wool and the bell. First, you need to put a bell halfway through your length of wool, continueously twist the wool but make sure you don't let go of it because it'll ruin the look of it. Once you've twisted it A LOT and put the bell on the middle put the ends together

  6. Sew the tail into the stuffed body of your mouse and sew it up well, i doubled over the stitches a few times just to make sure it was secure.

  7. TADA! a cute little mouse for your cat to anhilate. :)