• Posted by Cat Morley
I'm super organized when it comes to work but always kicking myself for not spending time doing the creative things I love, like crafting, practising music and blogging. I decided to tape part of my whiteboard off and turn it in to a creativity calendar and make some motivational magnets, to make sure I'm spending more time doing each of the things I love.
I'm super organized when it comes to work but always kicking myself for not spending time doing the creative things I love, like crafting, practising music and blogging. I decided to tape part of my whiteboard off and turn it in to a creativity calendar and make some motivational magnets, to make sure I'm spending more time doing each of the things I love.
Decide each of the activities that you'd like to make magnets for - sewing, cooking, writing, scrapbooking etc. and list them down. Your magnets need to be inspiring, so pick a photo to represent each activity. I scoured Pinterest for images that made me feel motivated.
Open your favourite software editing program. Create a square, around 1000x1000 pixels on a white canvas. Draw a square and set the outline to a dashed line.
Drag in your first inspiring image and cut in to a neat square in the middle of your dashed square.
Apply a slight gaussian blur.
Draw a white rectangle at the bottom of the image.
Draw a small square checkbox and add a text box for your first activity. Continue these steps to make images for all of your activities.
Print out your magnets on to a magnetic sheet.
Cut each magnet out.
Attach to your whiteboard and get organized!