• Posted by maura h.
it won't take you 24 hours to make, but that's about how long the cement will take to dry and complete the project. be creative, make it personal, and have fun!
it won't take you 24 hours to make, but that's about how long the cement will take to dry and complete the project. be creative, make it personal, and have fun!
remove backing from frame and use strong glue to stick the backing to the front of the frame (this will secure the frame so the cement doesn't spill out.) i found a frame with glass already attached that would not come out, so i skipped this part
i decorated next. you may want to wait until you're done with the cement though, in case you make a mess. i painted just the top of the frame with a light pink. i painted and put the little one's name on with a glue gun, and a little bow on top (which i later moved to the back, above the poem)
i printed out a mother's day poem about handprints that i found online (you can just google that, lots come up), and to make it cuter, i glued a trip of ribbon vertically on the sides of the poem and attached it inside the glass on the frame, and attached that ribbon bow to the top of the frame with a glue gun
i started mixing my cement (you can see the garden stone kit i used, found at a craft store) in a bucket, poured it in the frame, stuck the baby's hands in as deep as i could, and let it sit for 24 hours.