Cut Out + Keep

Moshi Monster Hama Rox

Moshi Monster Hama Rox • Posted by Super Madcow

Moshi Monster Rox. These rox can easily be used to make a key ring, decorate a card or to add to a huge Moshi Monster collection. Easy and fun to make.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 06


Pretty Easy
Medium moshi diamonds  hama  2


Moshi Monster Rox. These rox can easily be used to make a key ring, decorate a card or to add to a huge Moshi Monster collection. Easy and fun to make.


  1. Small moshi diamonds  hama  2

    Fix the beads of your choice onto the peg board in the same pattern as the picture.

  2. Small moshi diamonds  hama  1

    Place ironing paper over the bead design and iron. Once cool remove the paper but allow the beads to cool completely. Once cold remove and use as you please. Enjoy