Cut Out + Keep

Monster Box For Your Piercing Jwelery

ring box to piercing jwelery box • Posted by PIN-UP ^alex^

with the new lip piercing came all the neat new jwelery, but where the hell could i keep such tiny pieces???? in a ring box ofcourse!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf2388 1263860277


with the new lip piercing came all the neat new jwelery, but where the hell could i keep such tiny pieces???? in a ring box ofcourse!


  1. Small dscf2384 1263860340

    this is super easy and the only step you really need to do is to decorate your plain ring box...

  2. Small dscf2389 1263860392

    .....and ta-da! you're finished, your piercing jwelery now has a new home :D