• Posted by Zzombiegirl
A step by step of how I make my monster teddies. This is by no means the correct way it's just how I do it and I'm completely self taught.
A step by step of how I make my monster teddies. This is by no means the correct way it's just how I do it and I'm completely self taught.
First start by drawing out your pattern onto the back of your fabric, I tend use a sharpie marker as it's best for drawing on fabric but this fabric is black so I have used a white gel marker here. Then carefully cut out the pieces, I always do this very carefully to try and not cut length off the fur as it ruins the whole look of the fabric.
Next pin all your pieces together with the right sides facing each other. When using long pile fur I always keep an old brush handy and brush the fur away from the edges then pin it to avoid the fur getting sewn into the seam. This ensures you've got a nice fluffy look all over.
Next sew all your pieces together leaving a gap ( And an extra gap round the bottom of the legs if you are going to add paw pads) so you can turn them the right way out. If you are using a sewing machine (Recommended as it gives much stronger stitches) you would be best to use a heavier needle when using faux fur.
Next step is adding details. For this one I have decided to give him some purple fleece bat wings and black short pile faux fur bat ears and blue and purple paws. To do this follow steps 1 to 3 above using your desired pattern and fabric(For the paws sew the pads in place with the legs still turned inside out and the two right sides of the pad and leg touching.)
Next I add some eyes and a nose to the head. For this I use some blue coloured felt and hand stitch them on. I hand stich all the details as they are far to small a tricky to do on the sewing machine. For the eyes and nose try to be as neat as you can with your stitches, there's nothing I hate more than wonky unevenly spaced stitches :)
Now all the details are done it's time to start stitching your wee monster together. I start with the limbs, turning them right side out, stuffing them with soft toy stuffing then stiching them closed. When closing the gaps do it from the inside out ( see diagram attached) so that the seams and fabric edges are on the inside and it gives you a nice clean seam.
Before I stuff and close the body I add the arms and legs as it's easier to do when you can still get your hand inside the body. Again be careful with your stitching and avoid getting fur all caught up (more so if using long pile fur). It's a pain but believe me it gives much better results.
Next stuff and close the body and head and then attach the two together at the neck.This is usually the hardest, trickiest part so take your time and make sure the head is tightly and securely attached.
That's it! You've made your first monster teddy bear!