Cut Out + Keep

Mojito Water

All the fun of a cocktail without the hangover • Posted by Melissa Beth

I drink a lot of water but I like it to have some taste. Extracts were on sale so I bought some mint. I had lime juice at home that I had been putting in my water when I had this idea. Drink up! No hangovers for you.

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Almost Nothing


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
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I drink a lot of water but I like it to have some taste. Extracts were on sale so I bought some mint. I had lime juice at home that I had been putting in my water when I had this idea. Drink up! No hangovers for you.


  1. I have a 25 oz bottle. I filled it with ice and water and then drank a little off the top. Add 2 - 4 oz lime juice drop or two of mint extract Shake and drink up! If you want to be fancy, put it in a cup with lime slices and mint leaves.