Cut Out + Keep

Modular Origami

Nothing to do with your hands during a movie? Just make origami! • Posted by Conn

Whenever I watch movies, I feel like I'm wasting time doing nothing with my hands (even when I enjoy the movie!)so this compels me to make origami. I made the origami balls and then made wire structural support for them (designed by yours truly... ;))

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


4 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium spikey origami  1 Medium spikey origami  2 Medium twisting origami Medium spikey origami  3


Whenever I watch movies, I feel like I'm wasting time doing nothing with my hands (even when I enjoy the movie!)so this compels me to make origami. I made the origami balls and then made wire structural support for them (designed by yours truly... ;))
