Cut Out + Keep

Modified Sugar Honey Scrub

A great, natural cleanser that's easy to make! • Posted by Ultraviolet Darling

Using this scrub is great for sensitive/dry skins, since the olive oil is moisturizing and the honey helps lock in moisture, making your skin look younger and healthier. Honey also has antimicrobial properties to clean your face, while the sugar exfoliates. The thyme (which will be made into a tea) helps make the consistency of the scrub a bit more liquid, and also has antibacterial properties. This scrub might not be good for oily skin, since it contains oil and the honey locks in moisture.

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0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium sugarscrub


Using this scrub is great for sensitive/dry skins, since the olive oil is moisturizing and the honey helps lock in moisture, making your skin look younger and healthier. Honey also has antimicrobial properties to clean your face, while the sugar exfoliates. The thyme (which will be made into a tea) helps make the consistency of the scrub a bit more liquid, and also has antibacterial properties. This scrub might not be good for oily skin, since it contains oil and the honey locks in moisture.


  1. Small ist2 7276756 thyme tea 5b1 5d

    First, take some thyme (either fresh or dried) and make a fairly strong tea with it. Put aside for now.

  2. Small sugar   oh  honey  honey   by jellystick

    Then, mix your honey, sugar, and olive oil together. Mix well, since the sugar tends to collect at the bottom.

  3. Small honey tea

    Now put some drops (maybe a tsp) of the thyme tea into your honey sugar and olive oil scrub, and mix well again. The thyme will help cleanse your face, and makes the consistency not so sticky/gooey.

  4. Small washyourface

    Place the remaining thyme tea in the fridge and apply the scrub to your face. You can leave it on as a mask if you like, or rinse your face. (see step below)

  5. Small rinse face

    Taking the cooled thyme tea, rinse your face with this. The thyme tea will clean your face, and because it's cold, it will also close your pores so no more dirt can get in.