Cut Out + Keep

Mod Graffiti Canvas

Reinvent an old Canvas • Posted by FoxesinBoxes

Depending whether you have the bits and bobs at home, its free, but sprays can be pricey

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00137 1206897879


Depending whether you have the bits and bobs at home, its free, but sprays can be pricey


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    Get a canvas you don't like anymore. I had this from Object Study last year, and I hate it, so taadaa!

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    Take your canvas outside because the fumes smell wrong, can get creative

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    I was inspired by a graffiti artist called ©opy®ight (Find him on flickr, amazing!)

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    Get your medium prepared. I use Belton Molotov sprays, and Montana paints, check me out.

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    Get your base on. It takes a couple layers to get the look. You can go simple and just spray a plain background and then stencil on a image, but I fancied mixing it up a tad.

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    2nd layer of colour. I like it. Just need to finish it off with some detail, see next step!

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    Stencil on. Freehand stem and details

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    Finished. May sign it later with a marker, and do some touch ups, but yay!