Cut Out + Keep

Mirror With Shells

the mirror of my little sister (: • Posted by xcookie h.

the mirror of my little sister. I think it is cute (:

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium sam 2061 1307795674


the mirror of my little sister. I think it is cute (:


  1. Small 1 coak 1307794435

    take your wooden plate and paint it. I have chosen for blue, because the bedroom of my sister is blue too

  2. Small 2 coak 1307795061

    take your mirror and glue and stick it together with the plate.

  3. Small 3 coak 1307795275

    now it is time for your shells. take your glue and stick it together with the plate. It is difficult to draw a shell with paint, so the pink dot is the shell (:

  4. Small 4 coak 1307795419

    go on.

  5. Small sam 2056 1307795472

    You're done!