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Mirror Decoden

A cool way to decorate your compact mirror. • Posted by Rebecca L.

Hey everyone, this was a mirror I did for one of my friend's sister's birthday. I did a mirror previously that did not have a defined edge, so you can see the difference and decide which one you prefer:) More information can be found on my blog. This is a simplified tutorial. There are many ways to do deco-den, This is just how I do it:)I hope you like and understand the tutorial:)

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Medium dsc00488 1309449956 Medium dsc00484 1309450044 Medium dsc00435 1309451861


Hey everyone, this was a mirror I did for one of my friend's sister's birthday. I did a mirror previously that did not have a defined edge, so you can see the difference and decide which one you prefer:) More information can be found on my blog. This is a simplified tutorial. There are many ways to do deco-den, This is just how I do it:)I hope you like and understand the tutorial:)


  1. Small dsc00473 1309450102

    Firstly, prepare the working area so that I will know where everything is.

  2. Small dsc00474 1309450679

    Decide the design of the mirror and arrange the cabochons to your liking. Apply glue to mirror and attach the cabochons.

  3. Small dsc00478 1309451336

    If you want a border, tape down the sides so that the glue will not touch the sides. Add the bigger rhinestones first. Use tweezers to pick them up. Tip: try to add more big rhinestones as they are more shiny, it will look nicer.

  4. Small dsc00479 1309451463

    From the edges, add rhinestones area by area. I recommend small areas at a time, then let it dry while you do another area.

  5. Small dsc00488 1309451650

    After a while, you will realise that you are finally done:) Ta-ta, now you have yourself a blinged mirror and you can dazzle everyone with it:D