Cut Out + Keep

Minions Made Of Kinder Egg Shells

Minion • Posted by Esther W.

A friend of mine loves Minions so why not make some as a birthday present :) and since I love Kinder eggs I figured why not make them out of their yellow shells. For the arms and legs I used yellow pipe cleaners: I simply made 4 holes with a sharp needle and broadened it with small scissors. Then I put the pipe cleaners through it (I started with the legs cos I figured they'd be easier) and formed sort of hands and feet so my Minions can stand on their own. For the eyes I used moving eyes and just glued them on the shell. Then for the final touches I used black and silver sharpie markers to draw the glasses and make a small mouth. As for the clothes I'm pretty sure anything would work but since I was working last minute I went for the easiest solution and simply painted the overalls on them (for the 3rd one I was feeling a bit more creative and made a hula skirt out of a rubber band and wool) Thanks to the kinder egg shells you can even hide little things in them.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 111044 2f2015 09 15 085246 foto0733


A friend of mine loves Minions so why not make some as a birthday present :) and since I love Kinder eggs I figured why not make them out of their yellow shells. For the arms and legs I used yellow pipe cleaners: I simply made 4 holes with a sharp needle and broadened it with small scissors. Then I put the pipe cleaners through it (I started with the legs cos I figured they'd be easier) and formed sort of hands and feet so my Minions can stand on their own. For the eyes I used moving eyes and just glued them on the shell. Then for the final touches I used black and silver sharpie markers to draw the glasses and make a small mouth. As for the clothes I'm pretty sure anything would work but since I was working last minute I went for the easiest solution and simply painted the overalls on them (for the 3rd one I was feeling a bit more creative and made a hula skirt out of a rubber band and wool) Thanks to the kinder egg shells you can even hide little things in them.
