Tiny Backpack to carry your odds and ends
So one day i decided i needed something to carry my stuff.
I'm not really a purse girl so i decided on a tiny backpack.
It has some tricky sewing parts but it's worth it
Key West Witch favorited Mini Backpack 07 May 06:42
Krystal W. added Mini Backpack to Purses, Totes, Backpacks... 18 Mar 16:02
Kay T. favorited Mini Backpack 24 Nov 14:21
Tierra T. favorited Mini Backpack 10 Nov 18:34
marilyn.steckly favorited Mini Backpack 21 Apr 02:54
lil22tada favorited Mini Backpack 18 Dec 21:56
notdeadredhead favorited Mini Backpack 18 Jul 01:23
Jacky C. favorited Mini Backpack 20 May 04:18
SarahOliveira92 favorited Mini Backpack 03 Feb 11:07
Franchesca Angelou d. favorited Mini Backpack 08 Aug 18:48
You Will Need
Step 2
First we are going to start by making the pattern and at the same time giving you the measurements needed.
Mark out a rectangle 19 inches high and 12 inches wide.
Round out the edges. Make the top part more round as this will be the flap on your backpackCreate another rectangle this time 11.5 inches high and 12 inches wide. This will be the front of your backpack.
Step 3
The odd long hour glass shape is 12 inches long bu 4.5inches wide. the best way to make this is by cutting out a rectangle with these measurements folding it in half and cutting the curve into the sides.
this part will be the bottom of your backpackMake another rectangle 12 inches high ans 2 inches wide. cut out two of these. They will become the sides.
Step 9
You should now have all the pieces sew to their counter parts.
The reason you don't see both lining and out side on mine is because i did not put a lining in this backpack since i was using a thick fabric. -
Step 10
Take your side pieces and sew them to the front part of your backpack. Make sure the seams will be on the inside.
don't worry about the hem on the front part. Your going to do this after the sides are sewn on. I messed up on mine.
When you have the sides sewn on just fold everything over about an inch and line it all up. the sides are longer then the body piece to ensure you can get then even.