Cut Out + Keep

Mini Wire Keys

i finally can make a key tiny enough to fit in a little bottle! • Posted by Kin Dragon

I once made a key small enough to fit in a bottle but then I forgot how I made that key. But now I figured it out again! So now I can make a teeny tiny key to fit in a teeny tiny bottle

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Medium 114718 2f2016 07 15 143951 image Medium 114718 2f2016 07 15 144009 image


I once made a key small enough to fit in a bottle but then I forgot how I made that key. But now I figured it out again! So now I can make a teeny tiny key to fit in a teeny tiny bottle


  1. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 144330 image

    Take your 24 gauge wire and clip off about maybe 5 or 4 inches. I'm not sure how much you'll need but it doesn't hurt to clip off more then you need, plus you could make another one if there's any wire left.

  2. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 144637 image

    Make a loop at one end

  3. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 145144 image

    If your making the classic key: Bend not to far from the loop. Now if your only gonna make a classic key then I suggest you move on the step 7

  4. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 145533 image

    For a vintage key: Make another loop not to far from the first loop.

  5. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 145735 image

    Make another loop, this one slightly bigger then the one before.

  6. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 145954 image

    Then make another loop like the loop on step 4.

  7. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 150257 image

    Then trim off alittle but at the loop less tail until your at a length you think will work Then make a loop where you trimed (Usually a piece of the vintage key breaks off but that's ok, it can be fixed)

  8. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 151314 image

    Now take your 32 gauge wire, trim some off and start wrapping the key together. With the vintage key wrap it in the loops. And for that broken off piece if there is one, wrap it in too

  9. Small 114718 2f2016 07 15 151440 image

    And then make sure no wires are poking out. Then your done (classic key shown)