Cut Out + Keep

Mini Top Hat 1 (lolita)

A cute stylish mini top hat. • Posted by SakuraLee

Hihi, This was made to go with a lolita outfit, but can really be worn with anything you want. ^^ All colours and types of ribbon etc are optional/can be changed to whatever you want- be creative! ^^ The materials I listed are for this specific mini top hat though~ (Ignore the atrixo pot underneath- I just used it to raise the mini top hat off the floor xD).

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium image1 1206902328 Medium image3 1206902624


Hihi, This was made to go with a lolita outfit, but can really be worn with anything you want. ^^ All colours and types of ribbon etc are optional/can be changed to whatever you want- be creative! ^^ The materials I listed are for this specific mini top hat though~ (Ignore the atrixo pot underneath- I just used it to raise the mini top hat off the floor xD).
