• Posted by Kanika S.
Mix some white clay with a little bit of yellow to make a cream colour.
Make two disks about 1/8 of an inch each, and use the glue stick cap or the circle cutter to make two circles. This will be the actual cake.
Use the knife to cut a slice of cake.
Use the slice as a template for the second disk and cut so you have two slices.
Mix some dark brown clay with the liquid sculpey and mix. Make into a disk and slice.
Stack the brown clay over one of the disks.
Add the other disk on top. Do the same with the slice.
Use a tack to make a texture in the cake
Roll out some Dark brown clay.
Use that to wrap around the cake. this will be the Icing.
Use the light brown clay and make three thin ropes.
you can twist or braid the ropes together.
Add to the cake. Repeat steps 11-12 and add to the bottom of the cake.
To make the pecans, mix some dark brown clay with some black and make like a football shape. Use a knife to make a indent and add to the cake.
Cover with glaze (optional) and bake!