Cut Out + Keep

Mini Kitty Quilty

So cute, so mini, so quilt-y! • Posted by Mandy Y.

Dedicated to my baby, Amy. Who ran away December of 2008. This isn't that great, because it's my very first quilt. I used some leftover scraps of cat-themed fabrics to make it. It's only 3 squares long and 3 squares wide. I would give it to Amy to tear up if she were still around. I plan to make a full-sized cat-themed quilt someday when I'm better at it. =p Enjoy!

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium little kitty quilt by xmichiyo 1245034513


Dedicated to my baby, Amy. Who ran away December of 2008. This isn't that great, because it's my very first quilt. I used some leftover scraps of cat-themed fabrics to make it. It's only 3 squares long and 3 squares wide. I would give it to Amy to tear up if she were still around. I plan to make a full-sized cat-themed quilt someday when I'm better at it. =p Enjoy!
