Cut Out + Keep

Mini Hoop Pin Cushion

You can never have too many pin cushions! • Posted by Bustle & Sew

You can never have too many pin cushions - in my opinion at least - though I tend to use mine to stick various needles in as I’m stitching rather than to store pins. This little pin cushion is supereasy to make - some simple embroidery that’s easily within a the reach of a beginner mounted within a 3” hoop and filled with some toy stuffing. A nice firm cardboard base covered with a circle of felt finishes everything off nicely.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 113482 2f2016 02 22 181125 pincushion01


You can never have too many pin cushions - in my opinion at least - though I tend to use mine to stick various needles in as I’m stitching rather than to store pins. This little pin cushion is supereasy to make - some simple embroidery that’s easily within a the reach of a beginner mounted within a 3” hoop and filled with some toy stuffing. A nice firm cardboard base covered with a circle of felt finishes everything off nicely.


  1. Download and transfer the pattern to the centre of your white felt. Work the embroidery as follows using two strands of floss throughout: ● “Pins” chain stitch 3843 ● Flowers radiating straight stitch 4120, centres French knots (or you could use small straight stitches if you’re not confident with French knots) 827 ● Leaves satin stitch worked at an angle to the centre of the leaves - pointing outwards and upwards 703 ● When you’ve finished your embroidery press lightly on the reverse being careful not to flatten the stitches.

  2. Draw around the outer part of your hoop onto your card and pale felt. Cut out two circles, very slightly within the drawn line. Place to one side.

  3. Small 113482 2f2016 02 22 181906 pincushionloveheart%2b001

    Cut your felt into a 5” circle centred on your embroidery. Run a gathering stitch around the edge of the circle and gather edges in to fit around the inner part of your hoop.

  4. Small 113482 2f2016 02 22 181924 pincushionloveheart%2b002

    Push the outer hoop down over the top and tighten screw slightly. Push your felt up into the hoop to form a dome shape. When you’re happy with the shape tighten the screw fully and trim off any excess felt.

  5. Small 113482 2f2016 02 22 182047 pincushionloveheart%2b003

    Push toy stuffing up into the dome shape and run a ring of glue around the bottom edge of the hoop.

  6. Small 113482 2f2016 02 22 182112 pincushionloveheart%2b004

    Press card onto bottom of hoop. If you’re using a glue gun hold until glue has set. If PVA then secure in place with clips until glue has dried. Glue circle of felt over cardboard base. Your pin cushion is now finished.