Cut Out + Keep

Mini Card

Mini pop-up card • Posted by Terri Mimi A.

I had some leftover card stock that was just the right size for a mini pop-up card. Along with origami paper and a sticker, I fashioned this cute (albeit corny) card that, translated, says, "The two of us...We go together!" The inscription is in Filipino and "Tayong dalawa" translates to "us two" while "BAGay" translates to "complementary." =)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


5 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium tayong dalawa bagay 1285208463 Medium sdc10166 1285208484 Medium sdc10167 1285208519


I had some leftover card stock that was just the right size for a mini pop-up card. Along with origami paper and a sticker, I fashioned this cute (albeit corny) card that, translated, says, "The two of us...We go together!" The inscription is in Filipino and "Tayong dalawa" translates to "us two" while "BAGay" translates to "complementary." =)
