Cut Out + Keep

Military High Waisted Skirt

Attention for Miss Military!! • Posted by So

i´m so in love with the military style and wanted a jersey skirt which has some military attitude, but just found expensive ones. but hey, wherefore i become a tailor?? hooray!!! :) i think it´s really easy to do this skirt! i recommend to make it with a serger but good old zigzag should probably do it too!!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium militaryskirt 1284318164 Medium militaryskirt2 1284318214


i´m so in love with the military style and wanted a jersey skirt which has some military attitude, but just found expensive ones. but hey, wherefore i become a tailor?? hooray!!! :) i think it´s really easy to do this skirt! i recommend to make it with a serger but good old zigzag should probably do it too!!


  1. Small military1 1284316358

    lay a fitting jersey skirt on some paper and trace around the outlines. make some changes if you like. I made the skirt a bit longer reduced the waist a bit and added two darts for a more snugly fitting.

  2. draw the dividing seam (where the piping will be) through the dart to the bottom.

  3. now cut two parts of your whole pattern out of jersey. don´t forget seam allowances (about 5mm, depends on the width of your seam)

  4. Small military4 1284316503

    cut the seams you drew on your pattern and cut each part out of jersey (2 times).

  5. Small military5 1284317282

    sew the side seams and the darts of the two parts you cut as a whole.

  6. Small military6 1284317590

    cut the piping out of red jersey. approximately 2.2cm (depends a bit on your serger seam width and how wide you want the piping). fold in half and iron them.

  7. Small military7 1284317638

    pin the piping on middle part from the right side (edges on edges). lay the side parts on top right sides facing and sew.

  8. Small military8 1284317730

    sew the side seams and add some buttons beside the piping. you should have two skirts right now.

  9. pin the top of the two skirts right sides facing and sew.

  10. turn out the inner skirt, lay it on the ground and cut about 8cm from the lower edge.

  11. Small military11 1284318066

    sew the lower edge of the piece you just cut to the lower edge of the outer skirt (right sides facing).

  12. sew the upper inner skirt and the lower piece left sides facing. Iron the upper and lower edge and you´re done!!!

  13. just one thing by the way: this was the first how-to i didn´t have to look up any vocabulary for!!!! means: my english is way better because of you!!!!! <3