Cut Out + Keep

Mermaid Nail Art

Mermaids are magical! • Posted by VioletLeBeaux

Today we'll do some cute mermaid nail art. It looks really complicated but as long as you have a thin brush you should be fine!

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1 h 00


Medium 104897 2f2014 10 15 011016 easy mermaid nail art tutorial violet lebeaux 1


Today we'll do some cute mermaid nail art. It looks really complicated but as long as you have a thin brush you should be fine!


  1. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011053 easy mermaid nail art tutorial violet lebeaux45

    The key to this look is a really nice base coat of a reflective blue/green shade. This one is really old so I don’t know if it’s still available but anything that looks a bit sea-ish will work.

  2. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011118 p1020940

    Anyway, let’s get to it. Start with a clear base coat.

  3. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011123 p1020950

    Next, do a coat of the green and allow it to dry. Mix some white acrylic paint with a drop of water so it’s a good thin consistency.

  4. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011128 p1020954

    Paint a small U shape at the cuticle on one side.

  5. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011133 p1020956

    Continue painting U shapes along the cuticle.

  6. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011151 p1020958

    Start another row of U shapes above the first, this time alternate them so each one begins at the high point of the one under it.

  7. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011155 p1020960


  8. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011217 p1020962

    Continue making scales in rows like this until you run out of nail to do it on.

  9. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011227 p1020964

    Wait for it to dry then top coat!

  10. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011240 p1020968

    It doesn’t matter if your lines aren’t this thin or if you can only fit a few scales on each finger, so long as you get the general idea, no one will notice from a distance!

  11. Small 104897 2f2014 10 15 011309 p1020347
