Cut Out + Keep

Meringue & Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

A super quick and tasty treat for a party! • Posted by Cat Morley

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Nice & Simple
Medium 110192 2f2015 07 30 085951 img 1416



  1. Small 110192 2f2015 07 30 090009 img 1407

    Wash the strawberries and place them in a bowl.

  2. Small 110192 2f2015 07 30 090107 img 1409

    Break the dark chocolate into another bowl and pop in the microwave for 45 seconds until it has melted.

  3. Small 110192 2f2015 07 30 090202 img 1410

    Place the strawberries in the melted chocolate.

  4. Small 110192 2f2015 07 30 090223 img 1411

    Coat each of the strawberries in chocolate.

  5. Small 110192 2f2015 07 30 090231 img 1412

    Place the strawberries on a tray lined with parchment paper and sprinkle with bits of meringue.

  6. Small 110192 2f2015 07 30 090303 img 1416

    Leave to set for several hours and then serve!