Meltie Beads Cuffs
There something to do with all those ridiculous melties.
Posted by Scharminkeltje
You Will Need (5 things)
- Iron
- Parchment Paper
- Meltie/Hama/ Hama Beads
- Some Plastic Stuff
- Gloves
Steps (8 steps, 55 minutes)
On your parchment paper draw a rectangle that mesaures 8cms x circumference of your wrist+2cms
Cover your rectangle with meltie beads,but not thickly;you want to get a thin layer of melted plastic.
Put on the beads another sheet of parchment and press your iron on the beads,until they are completely melted.
Now QUICKLY put on the layer of hot plastic some buttons,other beads,pieces of plastc etc.Repeat step 2.
After the buttons etc. stuck to your metled baeds,cover the whole with with yet another layer of melties and repeat step 2.
If you like how your cuff looks,peel the parchment off it (if it sticks to the still hot places,don't worry;when it cools down you can soak it off) and VERY VERY VERY QUICKLY wrap it around some circular object that is close in circumference to your wrist (I used air freshener can).
If you didn't put your gloves on,put them now,coz you'll have to keep your cooling cuff on the circular thingy,until it's completely cool-it took me abou 10-15 minutes,depends on how big is your cuff and how mny layers of melties you made.
Now,when your cuff is cool,you should notice,that the additional 2cms were there for regulation and easy puttin the cuff on.Trim any rough edges-Voila!