Mcdonalds / Carls Jr. Sandwich Bag
Great for holding sandwiches! Earth Friendly!
Posted by ChocolateSprinkles
I wanted to make a sandwich bag, and wanted to put one of my favorite fast-food logos on it, but I couldn't decide between Carls Jr. or McDonald's. So, I ended up using both. :)
>inspired by ketchup and mustard!<
Hope you enjoy this tutorial! :3
Oh btw, You should probably make the bag a little more wider.
You Will Need (4 things)
- 4 Button(s)
- Red&Yellow Felt
- Yellow Orange Yarn
- A Hot Glue Gun
Steps (12 steps, 20 minutes)
Gather your materials:
Red Felt
Yellow Felt
Yellow/Orange YarnSet the yarn aside
Start by cutting a rectangle out of your red felt. > I forgot the measurements since I did this a year ago < ..
It should almost look like a square, but still rectangular.
Make sure you write down whatever measurements you made.
Using the measurements, do the same on the Yellow Felt.
Using the base measurement, cut out a small rectangle (base measurementx4")
Cut out 2 rectangles(that increase in width going down) from the Red and Yellow felt. -
Sew all the pieces together.
Cut the logos out.
(My apologies for the bright flash. The Yellow "M" is at the right.)
Paste (using a glue gun) the McDonald's logo on the red side.
Paste (using a glue gun) the Carls Jr. logo on the yellow side.
Now for the straps! Cut out two pieces like the one to this one
Ok, so grab the ends of the red piece and (in your head) divide the width into 3 sections. About and inch from the edge of the piece, cut along the first imaginary section, then the third, leaving the middle section alone.
Bend the piece the way I am. -
Bend the rest of the piece and stitch the edges together using the yellow/orange yarn. It should look like this.
Pin the edges of the red piece down to yellow side of the bag.
When you're ready, remove the pins and sew a button on the ends.
Do the same on the other side, using a yellow piece for the strap.
..and you just made an earth friendly sandwich bag to replace all those paper bags you've used!