
creativ masc from cast

Posted by violetta


I enjoy making this for my own home or for my friends,it makes a great birthday preasent.sorry for my english,Im hungaryan,I promiss Ill give my best!:)Pictures soon...


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Plaster Cast Kit
  • Paint
  • Enamel Paint

Steps (5 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    You mix 500ml cast powder with 600ml water.the consistense must be pasty.

  2. 2

    Pour the cast in to the mould.

  3. 3

    Wait untill its dry.You must wait at least 20 minutes.It will harden and it will be wery warm.

  4. 4

    Carefully get the masc out of the mould.Watch out its wery breakable.break out the eye part with a needle.Now you must wait another 20minutes,so it will be dry totally.It helps if you put it somewhere warm.

  5. 5

    And now comes the fun part!The painting!you can decorate it with pearls,chains, creative and go crazy with the colors!:)