
Home made marshmallows. Really loved making them, couldn't wait to eat them.

Posted by Cazness


Marshamllows setting in pan, was really annoying because I kept wanting to eat it! tasty! I got green food colouring and mixed it with a small bowl of the goo then swirled it in on top. I made them mint flavored so thats why i used green.


You Will Need (9 things)

  • 4 Gelatin Envelopes
  • ¾ Water
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract (or substitute for another flavor like p
  • 3 cup Sugar
  • ¾ cup Water
  • 1 ¼ cup Corn Syrup
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • Rice Flour
  • Confectioners Sugar

Steps (4 steps, 50 minutes)

  1. 1

    In the middle of cutting, really fun and sticky.

  2. 2

    I used a cookie cutter, it was kinda annoying to do acutally.

  3. 3

    Squares! They are so cute for some reason. hehe.

  4. 4


    1. Line a 9” x 13” (8” x 8”) pan and a loaf pan with parchment paper. Coat the paper with vegetable oil or non-stick spray.

    2. Fit a stand mixer with the whisk attachment. In the mixer bowl combine the ¾ cup of water (¼ c plus 2 Tbs) with vanilla extract. Sprinkle the gelatin over the liquid to bloom (soften).

    3. Add the sugar, salt, corn syrup, and remaining ¾ cup water (¼ c plus 2 Tbs) to a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil with the lid on and without stirring. When this mixture is at a boil, remove the lid and continue to cook without stirring until it reaches the soft-ball stage (234-240 F).

    4. With the mixer at medium speed, pour all of the hot syrup slowly down the side of the bowl into the awaiting gelatin mixture. Be careful as the hot syrup is very liquid and hot at this point and some may splash out of the bowl - use a splashguard if you have one. When all of the syrup is added, bring the mixer up to full speed.

    5. Whip until the mixture is very fluffy and stiff, about 8-10 minutes. Pour marshmallow into the parchment-lined pans and smooth with an oiled offset
    spatula if necessary. Allow the mixture to sit, uncovered at room temp for 10 to 12 hours.

    6. Mix equal parts rice flour and confectioners sugar and sift generously over the rested marshmallow slab. Turn the slab out onto a cutting board, peel off paper and dust with more sugar/starch mixture. Slice with a pizza cutter into desired shapes. Dip all cut edges in sugar/starch mixture and shake off excess powder.

    7. Marshmallows will keep several weeks at room temp in an air-tight container.

    Makes: A LOT of Marshmallows.